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RE: A Small Note On Python SQL via Linux from a Noob

in Learn2code2 years ago

Good idea for a community... I will sub and try to remember to check in. My day job has me doing a lot of SQL, and I know Java fairly well... bit of python, bit of c#, bit of so I might be able to help now and then.


I'd totally need your help😄 I am currently learning python SQL and working it on linux has been a headache. I am not sure if I missed some steps with installing that pyodbc but I'll figure that out later. Also feel free to document some of troubleshoot that you find which might helpful for others too. I have one simple stuff that apparently is still visited so often like installing times new roman in my ubuntu 😂

Can do - I generally do everything on Windows, but I recently had to re-setup Windows Terminal to be pretty for my git stuff so maybe I could touch on that. It's not troubleshooting so much as it is 'make your command line look nicer on windows'

Thank you!! will totally tag you if I have questions on SQL. Beforehand though, I'd apologize if I ask something stupid haha :D

There are no stupid questions when you're picking up a new language. Ask any time, here or on discord. I'm sure we share some - just dm me at SanguineHaze#7826 on discord if you need anything.