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RE: Exode deep dive - Synergy

in EXODE Pilots3 years ago

I love these articles @eyebroo!

I can share more information on fixes and adjustments planned:

a) Confirmed fix planned for starships Coetus and Quantum.
b) There won't be a synergy to self: if source is "self", then you won't be able to receive it, even from background etc.
c) A single synergy source will add its synergy only once for a specific trait. This means that if a background grants you a trait you did not have, the synergy will be scored; but if the trait already existed and the background grants it too, the synergy won't be doubled.
d) For now (meaning it may stay, or not) I plan to keep the synergies with background. It currently "increases" criminal and syndicate synergies, compared with Military, Scientific and Civilian ones, but it's done to increase background importance and address a lower population of these traits. It will only work with "fction traits" granted by background.
e) It is possible that rare scientific, military and civilian backgrounds will be added. This means "Civilian" won't apply to everyone around; but will only apply to very specific, rare administrative backgrounds when these are rolled in character generation. Thank you for pointing out the lack of background options for Civilian, Scientific and Military, it really encourages me to work on it, but as you point out, there three factions already have many cards they work with!

Narcophile => renamed as Drug Addicted for now.


Great ideas and feedback on all a-e. Thank you for providing clarity!