It's Spoiler Season - eXode's Got Talent!

in EXODE Pilots4 years ago (edited)

Greetings Pilots!

These last two weeks we have shown you a lot of the cards that can be found in our Alpha Edition Boosters. We are not there yet, but the collection is nearly finished!

With less than ten cards to put the finishing touch on, we are thrilled to announce our Booster Opening event shortly. We will give you a heads up of at least 48 hours prior to the event. Stay tuned for the official announcement with all the details soon!

So what can you expect to find in your Booster packs?
We have:

40+ Common cards
45 Rare Cards
35 Epic Cards
13 Legendary cards

That's a total of 133+ unique cards to be found in the Alpha Edition Boosters!

But for now, let's get back to some more spoilers for your reading pleasure:


You have already seen a lot of cards that will help you to build your colony. You have learned about Prefabs that allow you to set up a whole installation and you have already seen Prefabs to put inside those buildings. There is one more layer to setting up your colony though, and that is Layout.

Cards with the Layout trait are used to cover your installations. The Protection Walls can cover 2 installations and provide them with some Ground Protection. This will be incredibly useful if you find yourself on a planet with aggressive carnivores or other hostile inhabitants.

It has a small downside though. Those huge walls make your whole Colony more visible, so the aliens will have an easier time to find you.


Of course, if you are really worried about an alien attack, you could always put your most important buildings (or even your whole colony!) underground. With the Underground Construction you can move one installation below ground level. This way it will be very well protected from orbital attacks and the building itself will be hidden from plain sight.

Any colonist that works in your new underground facility will loose some Happiness though. After all, everybody wants to see the sun(s) from time to time! The Underground Construction is the perfect match for any high value installation that needs to be protected at any cost. You probably don't want to put your colonists Habitat down there if you don't really have to though.

Both the Protection Walls and the Underground Construction are Droppable, so you can always send a copy to your already established colony in case you find it needs some additional protection.

With your colony all set up, you want to make sure to have enough people with you to actually see it flourish. We already revealed some options like the Nuclear Family, but there are more options available to you.


When you set up your Evacuation, you can always choose to bring more passengers with you. The Socialite is Versatile, so any crew can have her. You'll never know what you get when taking her with you. She has a good chance to end up with quality level 1 which would make her pretty useless for serious work. But with a chance of 12.5%, she could also be quality level 5 - a rating better than most rare cards out there have.

Bringing cards like the Socialite with you is always a tough decision. During Evacuation you can screen the available Civilians in the station halls and take in those of value to your colony. This process takes time, though, and depending on your Origin and the ship you bring, you simply won't have the time to fill all bunks.

With the larger ships especially, it will almost always be a good idea to have at least some passengers with you right from the start. This way you will always be able to establish a basic colony, no matter how bad your Evacuation goes.


If you hope to bring someone more specialized with you, consider to give the Science Student a ride. Chances are, she will end up at a mediocre quality level. Even then though, she will still be able to assist with some basic research and development. As with the Socialite, she has a small chance to reach quality level 5.

Both the Socialite end especially the Science Student really shine if you manage to find their Elite version, though. What Elite does is increase the quality level of a card by +3. So instead of a 25% chance to be quality level 1, the Elite Science Student is guaranteed to be at least of quality level 4 and has a chance to get as high as quality level 8. At that level she would rival, if not outperform, many of the Epic Scientists available in the Alpha Collection.


Talking about outperforming everybody else, the Special Infiltration Agent is a very talented character indeed. The first thing you probably notice are all those Origin traits she has. With these traits, she can be used by all Origins currently available. So why not simply make her Versatile? The difference is subtle but has a huge impact:

Because she has all these traits, she can benefit from each and all Synergy bonuses they provide! So don't be fooled by her quality level of 5. No matter what Origin you choose, with the correct combination of synergies, she will be able to rival even your best characters. Whether it's rocket science or punching thugs in the face - she is a jack-of-all-trades indeed.

She was specifically trained to adapt to any situation so she could operate with any crew without raising suspicion. In reality though, she follows a Government Secret Agenda and her superiors did not shy away from sacrificing a whole fleet to get her onboard of your ship!

The Special Infiltration Agent offers an amazing value and flexibility to your crew. A word of caution, though. If you bring her with on Evacuation, you will never know what she's really up to. In the end, you can never know whether her Secret Agenda is going to help or hurt you. Either way, it's best to always have a watchful eye on her.

That's all we have for you today but the Spoiler Supply Dropship will be back soon - we promise.


As always, your input is valued and appreciated so we would love to hear it!

Please follow to keep up to date on all things @eXodegame!

We are excited to share information and answer any questions you might have.

Hyperspeed to the eXode universe!


One question that I have... with only few places for cargo on board of the ships, how will all these cards arrive in the colony? My expectation was that you need to run your colony starting from the stuff that you are able to load during the evacuation...

Your ship will provide you with twice its cargo rating in cargo slots. You can choose to either fully load it up before Evacuation, come with an empty cargo hold or do a mix of both.
Bringing Prefabs to your Evacuation, you know exactly what you have and can plan accordingly. There's some very valuable cargo out there though, so you would definitely miss out if you don't load up some crates. In the end, it will all be about finding that sweet spot.

You’re doing a great job of keeping me primed for gameplay and hungering for more boosters that is for sure ;)

It’s really amazing the scale of this project coming out of elindos’ brain. Very inspiring.