Justice is coming to eXode with a New Faction; The Federals. (Some Traits Explained)

in EXODE Pilots4 years ago (edited)

Greeting eXode Pilots and Hive Citizens!

@exodegame released lots of updates and new cards recently and also much information came out yesterday in our Discord server. We will continue to have many new and exciting features coming out over the following days as we map out the Alpha Booster packs that are to be released soon.

Something that is really exciting, and that changes the entire dynamic of eXode, is the reveal of a new faction, The Federal Faction. The Federals stand to be a rival of the Syndicate and Criminal Factions that we have already seen introduced.


The Legendary card of Alanna Vös, a Federal Marshal is the leader of the Federals. Instantly, you see the amazing artwork by @shinoxl as well as the abundance of dynamic traits that make this Legendary card very attractive to players and collectors alike.

To clarify all the elements around this card and delve deeper into the mechanics of cards themselves, let's break down some of the traits and see how they function within the eXode universe.

First, we see that Field Marshal Vös is both military and civilian; meaning she can be utilized by both groups. She can be deployed with either of the two origins; The Navy Lieutenant from the Military origin or the Elected Leader from the Civilian origin, for example.

As a reminder, please check out our comprehensive Origins Guide here

The Military crew are more disciplined and effective at combat than civilians, they can carry more weapons, and they react better in stressful situations.

The Civilian crew allows for a larger passenger capacity (without all those weapons) which will help create a large and productive colony filled with a diverse population.


Here you can see the magnitude of crew possibilities with the Legendary Marshal leader. We have seen other cards as well that share origins such as the “Battle-Trained Socialite”. Combining such cards on a crew has endless possibilities.

Alanna Vös also is a Veteran, this simply means that she cannot be accompanied by any other Allana Vös cards (only one card played at a time). She is an officer which means that she will take up an officer slot on your ship and can give orders to your crew.

Now, let's look at some of the character traits possessed by Alanna Vös.


  • Leadership-Ability to give orders to crewmembers.


  • Awareness- Helps for detecting hostiles and loading cargo faster.
  • Orders- With the leadership trait adds a bonus when issuing orders to groups of crew members.
  • Shooting-Increased accuracy.
  • Cover- Added self Protection.
  • Warfare- stress-resistant in combat. This will help prevent hits when brain-wired to the shields.
  • Toughness- ability to sustain damage.
  • Station-movement between rooms.


  • Moral Values-Low susceptibility to drug addiction.
  • Pro Federation- Loyal to 2325 Government.
  • Drug-Free- Cannot use drugs.

As you can see, Alanna Vös has a wide range of traits and this helps you understand how each of them are significant and used in eXode game.


Now that we have had a detailed look at the Legendary leader of the Federals, let's see some other Federal cards and their traits.

All the Federal cards on display today share the same Military and Civilian ability to launch with either origin. Here we have the rare Federal Agent card. You can tell he is a rare card by the blue gemstone at the bottom of his card (a common card would be grey).


The final Federal card for today is an epic card, the Space Federal Marshal. The red border and purple gemstone indicate his epic status. Anytime you see that a card is a Marshal, you can guarantee that it can be played with either Military or Civilian origins.

For a detailed list of traits head over to our Wiki to find out more.

We will be releasing more factions in the future and here is a sneak peak of another faction, The Corporate Faction.


Nash has many positive traits as well and a high QL to protect your cargo, passengers, and future colony!

There are many additional updates in our Discord so head over there and check them out!

Please follow to keep up to date on all things @eXodegame!

We are excited to share information and answer any questions you might have.

Hyperspeed to the eXode universe!


The Federals are a really interesting faction, can't wait to test the waters with them!

I see very few cards compatible with the scientists, I guess that will appear more because by now is the weakest faction by far. These cards seem awesome and is very interesting the description of the abilities, now we have a better idea of what they do.

Nice work! You definetely need some !BEER for it :)

Hey @exodenews, here is a little bit of BEER from @stranger27 for you. Enjoy it!

Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your BEER.

My favorite faction yet!

I'm excited to hear more about the corporate faction!

Thanks for the post!
I don't suppose there is an article somewhere which lists ALL the traits and what they do, is there?
Thanks in advance