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RE: Eyebroo Exode builds 1 - The Legendary Pirates

in EXODE Pilots3 years ago

I find it interesting (in a good way) how different our Pirate builds are.
Part of it, I'm sure, is that we have very different card pools.
I also fully loaded up my ship (the Myrmidon) so all I needed was to grab fuel and go.

My build is less combat focused (though obviously everyone has guns), and I tried to be more diverse in our skills. That being said, by virtue of being a larger ship I have just as much muscle.

Of course after seeing my (current) world, I am certainly considering the merits of a smaller number of mouths to feed...

Thanks for sharing!


I need to look at your build again, do you have a link for it? Was that the science/syndicate build?

I don't remember if I ever shared it actually. It was a syndicate criminal build similar to yours