Refrence Post for my Laser Engraved Hive Cube project physical hive wallets made by ackza and given out free at HiveFest

in OnChainArt8 months ago (edited)

I made these the week before @hivefest to give out via @crimsonclad who graciously met with me irl as i lived 5 mins from sd airport on way to rosarito, as i wasnt attending hivefest but she eas and was able to combine my hive cubes and hive hexagons out with her own hive enamel pins

and i even found a few thank you posts about the hive cubes !





it was fun to craft these pieces of art on my laser engraver. Now i have 2 3d printers 1 resin 1 pla so let the games begin!


i need someone's help to make a CLEAN 3d model of this, like @holovision help to make a perfectly symmetrical version of this , engraved like i dunno half a cm down, into teh cube, like this but with a custom hive public and private key, and i will resin 3d print in HIGH CLEAR so it will look like a fucking gtlass sculpture of the hive logo , it will come out looking SO GOOD In my resin printer, il be able to probably print 2 or 3 at a time :D Big CLear 3d printed GLASS like perfect hive hexagon logo CUBE forms like the true form of a hive logo, only becomes a hexagon after this yeah oh yeah shits so crazy