​sketch of new art in a sketchbook. I draw nature, open spaces, mountains, houses.

in OnChainArt2 years ago

​sketch of new art in a sketchbook.
I started drawing new art.
Material: sketchbook with black paper and gouache.
I draw nature, open spaces, mountains, houses. I want to draw some landscapes. I haven't painted landscapes in a long time.
I will share with you the process of drawing this work.
I love taking pictures of the work process, although it is a bit distracting and time consuming.
And I have very little time. I mostly draw when my daughter Marianna is sleeping. A small child needs a lot of attention. Therefore, I try to set aside time for drawing when someone else plays with Marianna, for example, Roma or someone from other relatives. And so most often I clean my free time, cook food, take care of myself, post posts here or do something -something else. But in every possible case, I try to draw. Because I love to draw.






That would be a great draw.

Thank you!

You're welcome ☺️

wow, looking so pretty even in just sketch stage, lovely work.

many thanks!

The drawing surface is really looking inviting ❤️❤️
The gouache colour will relax well on this.

many thanks! =)