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RE: The Hallway | Oil Painting

in OnChainArt4 years ago

This reminds me of The Shining. Not the movie but the book. The book is much more vivid than the movie. If you haven’t read the book I highly recommend it.

 4 years ago  

I really should read that. Will do that soon. Thanks for the recommendation Azir :D

Do you mind if I write about this painting? I have been thinking about it since I have seen it. It will be my interpretation.... you may not see it the same way...

 4 years ago  

Aaw, I'm so glad it got stuck in your head (cos it means my painting is effective ehehehe). Sure thing! It would be an honor 😊

Alrighty.. fair warning... you may not like it :) That is not something probably you thought while painting it. I am reading lots a magical realism now, so I am seeing things with that light :)

 4 years ago  

Go go! :D

It’s your painting... lol... but let me give you a hint. Turn it upside down.... and look at the reflection on the shining floor... just look ... don’t tell me :)

 4 years ago  

I think I get what you mean. :D It is something related to t he color of the environment as well