Illustration of the Professional Detective King Leo | He is Bringing Justice for the Society

in OnChainArtlast year (edited)


I Already submitted 5 drawings for Zealy campaign. It feels good to fulfill a childhood hobby on this busy day. Every day, when I sit with paper and pencil, all the stress inside goes away. Today I came with another drawing to complete the quest. Today I am going to cover the story of King Leo being a detective. Let me tell you the story of how King Leo left his jungle kingdom and came to the common land to become a detective.

King Leo has survived many ups and downs and maintained his kingdom for so long. After that he got all the achievements of his life. He no longer wants to live in the forest. He wants to experience something new in life. Then he came to the township. He starts a new life here.

After coming to the township, King Leo saw that it was not as peaceful as the forest. It is filled with only violence, hatred and criminality. So he decided to make himself a detective and punish the criminals. Thus he became a professional detective.

Drawing Process

First I lightly draw a lion outline with a 2B pencil. And draw the shape of the lion's face, ears and saffron.

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Then I designed the lion's costume according to his profession. Since he is a detective I made him wear a black suit.

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I made a sketch of him sitting on a chair. And painted a cigarette in his hand as a thinking detective. As a result, he looks like a professional detective.

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Finally I completed the drawing with 6B pencil. After the sketch is done, we see a detective lion sitting in a chair, thinking deeply about a case. He is wearing a black suit and a cigarette in his hand.

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So this was my story and my drawing for the quest. Hope you like the drawing. Let me know if you see any mistakes anywhere. Now I'm waiting to see the final quests for the Artist Adventure on the Zealy Campaign. I hope to appear before you again with a new post very soon. So with that I conclude my article.

At the end of the post I want to tell you about a great campaign that is now running on Leo Finance. This is an Adoption Campaign by @leofinance with a prize pool of $10,000. The campaign will continue for the next one month, so take this opportunity and participate with us. Click here to participate in the Adoption Campaign

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Visit my Leo Finance profile to read my various kinds of articles. Also there are some of my makeup vlogs, you can watch them through 3Speak if you want. If you want me to write on any topic then let me know. I will try to gain knowledge about it and give you some good ideas through my articles. Join @theterminal discord server to get the perfect answer of your questions about Hive, Cryptocurrency and Discord. They aim to help folks learn the etiquette and workings of the Blockchain, grow the user's account and find the communities where the content creators can thrive.

Honorable Mention: @khaleelkazi @anomadsoul @leofinance @leogrowth @brittandjosie @thekittygirl @ifarmgirl


Thumbnail and footer created with Canva. I used 6B faber castle pencil to draw these sketches. The images were scanned using the CamScanner app. Edited with PicsArt. Page divider made by @barge. Other assets from Leo Finance Discord server. All content is mine unless otherwise stated.


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