greek myths!: Scylla, Charybdis - mitología griega: Escila, Caribdis

in OnChainArt3 years ago (edited)

hi! I want to share you an illustration about greek mythology tales I've made using vectors:

Hola! les quiero compartir una ilustración que hice de una historia de mitología griega:


This two creatures, Scylla and Charybdis were two giant sea monsters. Scylla was a beautiful nymph transformed in an horrendous monster, she was half woman, and half fish. On her torso she had hungry dog heads, on her legs she had snakes and tentacles. She lived in a narrow sea passage.

on the other side of the passage, there was Charybdis, am underwater monster that sip the water and the waves with his giant mouth, creating a big whirlpool.

People used to say that the distance between Charybdis and Scylla was the distance of an arrow shot, and it was hard for ships that pass there, because if they moved a little by the left, the Charybdis whirlpool would destroy the ship, and if they moved a little by the right, Scylla was going to eat all the crew of the ship.

Estas dos criaturas, Scylla y Charybdis eran dos monstruos marinos gigantes. Scylla era una hermosa ninfa transformada en un monstruo horrendo, era mitad mujer y mitad pez. En su torso tenía cabezas de perro hambrientas, en sus piernas tenía serpientes y tentáculos. Vivía en un estrecho pasaje marítimo.
al otro lado del pasaje, estaba Caribdis, un monstruo submarino que sorbía el agua y las olas con su boca gigante, creando un gran remolino.
La gente solía decir que la distancia entre Caribdis y Escila era la distancia de un tiro de flecha, y era difícil para los barcos que pasan allí, porque si se movían un poco a la izquierda, el remolino de Caribdis destruiría el barco, y si se acercaban un poco a la derecha, Scylla se iba a comer a toda la tripulación del barco.

I hope you like it! if you like vector art and mythology I will be going to upload more art soon here :)

Espero te guste! si te gusta la mitología griega, estaré subiendo todos los días dibujos aquí. :)


Manually curated by EwkaW from the @qurator Team. Keep up the good work!