Ralistic Drawing Of Dobby From Harry Potter Process Photos By EdgarsArt

in OnChainArt4 years ago (edited)

Dobby has been one of my favorite characters from Harry Potter.
He was a male house-elf who served the wizard family, but they treated him bady and cruel.
That is why he tried to helo Harry Potter and to warn him about the dark plans of his masters.

Sadly Dobby had limited appearances in the movie, some scenes, monologues with Potter. I would have liked to see more:(

"Dobby has no master. Dobby is a free elf"

I was drawing this with a mechanical pencil which is why i could draw so many small details. With standart pencils it is really hard to draw those skin lines because I need them very thin and sharp which means I have to sharpen the pencik every 10 seconds. I have heard that sharpening with a knife can help, but I have yet tried it.







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TikTok- EdgarsArt


Poor Dobby , people always yelling at him. I love the realistic approach!

Yes... All he wanted is to be a good elf

oh .. best character to draw. and great drawing. congratulations my dear friend.

Thank you my friend😊

One of the OCA rules is

Sharing Reference if your art is based on a single reference

Your drawing looks great :)

oh thank you for the reminder:) Added the reference photo:)