Citrus | Drawing with the Note 10+

in OnChainArt4 years ago

I was busy devouring breakfast when my mother sat across me and began peeling off a medium-sized pomelo. The smell hit my senses instantaneously and I could have sworn I salivated at the thought of the citric taste.

Of everything fruit, I love citrus fruits the most. I love oranges, green tangerines, and yep, even pomelo. They just smell so good, and their taste so satisfying. Suddenly inspired, I went on and drew.


She wants to be happy, and happy she'll be. Squeeze the day, it is.

This work is heavily inspired by this stock photo on Unsplash. I played with it to come up with an image that better suited what was in my mind.

Drawing Citrus

I thought it looked simple enough to be done in just a few hours, but it wasn't. In fact, this one took me more or less four hours to complete. I underestimated the details quite so much.

I started with the slice of citrus fruit (that may or may not be pomelo). It was my make or break moment in this one. If it looked decent, I would continue with the rest of the drawing. If it didn't, then I would have to scrap this.

When I thought it looked good enough to pass off as a slice of citrus, moved toward the rest of the drawing. Particularly the face.

I have never drawn mouth this way before, so you can imagine that this had been quite challenging in that regard.

More than anything, though, the hands took me longer to finish. I was thinking about scrapping much of the details. However, it felt so flat that I had to at least try. I think they looked all right (a little too wrinkly, but mistakes are part of the process lol).


  • Device: Samsung Galaxy Note 10+
  • Apps:
  • Brushes: watercolor (at varying opacity settings); pencil (100% opacity); blur


I'm not sure if my schedule this week would permit me to draw as much as in the past few weeks, but in case I can't, then see you all next week. :P

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Another brilliant work of art
love it as always.

 4 years ago  

thanks so much, yellow!!! :D