Prisma Pop - The Seven Luminaries

in OnChainArt3 years ago

Box_-_Prisma_Pop 2.jpg

Andy always was, in my head, one of the most (if not the most) fun of the personalities out of the bunch. He’s there to save the world for all the wrong reasons. He just loves the stardom, loves the celebrity life, and views the world through a lens of likes, follows, and brand sponsorship. He even has a single on Spotify and an upcoming reality show on Netflix called, “Oh, Andy”. Everything is fun for him, and if it isn’t, then he’ll move on to the next best thing. Obviously, this is a cartoon approach and not the real-life Andy Warhol, but I did use some of his personality traits and behaviors, from interviews and books, which I then magnified and stitched together, to create a mutated version of his original self.


As with my original Andy design, he was to be a rockstar. His big hair is so high-maintenance, it probably takes a hair crew at least two hours to prep it. Color wise, I wanted to keep a similar palette and set of values to those of the original Andy Warhol. Mimicking his usual dark jacket and pants, I went with low values for a full body suit, and kept the light, almost snow-white, values of his skin and hair. Warhol was known for his dark shades, but I chose to go with massive goggles instead (they show a constant stream of social media feeds; he’s constantly stimulated). Even though his hair is supposed to be “white”, I wanted to add a prismatic feel to them, where glimmers of magenta would flash here and there. The random boot was an extra touch I thought would be fun, as Andy is extremely fashion conscious and is always on the know of all the latest trends and looks.


At it’s core, Andy remained very similar to the original 2017 design (the prismatic hair, the googles, the blue-ish body suit/armor). But for him to fit into this new Animated Series world, I had to redesign him. I started with his pose, something that was very casual, yet “bendy” (not sure why, but I kept thinking of it as an Aeon Flux pose). I decided to add roundish pads of lighter color to his suit, highlighting some muscle areas, to an almost comic extent. To enhance his need for constant stimulation, I decided to give him an energy drink, always sipping, one that echoes Campbell’s can of tomato soup — a company that sponsors him so he has a constant surplus of energy drinks. One of the most crucial additions to this Andy was his phone (seen on the bust). He will always be on his phone. Non stop. I could just hear him in my head: “Selfie?”



He went from “Andy”, to “Andy Pops”, to “Silver Pop” to, eventually, “Prisma Pops”. I knew I wanted the word “pops” in there, both as a nod to Pop Art and the popping sounds of his canned energy drinks. “Prisma” worked better than “Silver”, even though the latter was an obvious nod to his silver factory.


Pyrotechnic energy plasmoids. Platinum attack. He can manipulate kinetic energy and self-duplicate. His goggles show a constant, over-stimulating, social media feed.

Fizzy, pop, flamboyant, can of soup, playful. Prisms.


warhol sketch.jpg


“The Seven Luminaries” is a fictitious team where iconic visual artists* are reimagined as Animated Series/RPG superheroes, supervillains and everything in-between, with inspirations drawn from comics, movies, anime, videogames, and shows across the ages.

Project was originally conceived in 2017.

*(for this specific project, I narrowed “artists” to those who create static [no moving pictures] works of art.)

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely on purpose 😏




Manually curated by EwkaW from the @qurator Team. Keep up the good work!

The first thing I thought when I saw your work was ... Great. the drawing is very nice, but also seeing all the sketches is very interesting, the idea in pencil up to the final result. Well done. I am also an artist and I would like what you think of my works, you can find them in my profile.

thank you! glad you enjoyed!