A pencil drawing of Prince Ea.

in OnChainArt3 years ago

Hi everyone!
Today I'm sharing with us a pencil portrait of my favorite motivational speaker (Prince Ea).
A hip-hop rapper that shifted his focus from music to creating motivational and inspirational spoken word films and content, and has touched so many lives including mine through his short films.
Spoken word artists who can make you think, gives you hope, inspires you to dream and reminds you that you are here to make a difference in the world.
You can check out his videos on YouTube, Instagram and other social platforms.





Thanks for viewing.


I don't know why you're not receiving more attention. Your portraits are incredible—clean enough to question authenticity. That's a compliment, by the way, to someone authentic.

Your content was receiving downvotes when you started here 10 months ago. Any idea why? Looks like they stopped now, did you ever receive an explanation?

Thank you so much @dandays
Yeah I was blacklisted because I failed to link my Facebook account to my profile.

My pleasure. Let's talk about this.

I'm aware of account verification. Your portraits are so crisp, I completely understand the want for it.

Has your red flag been removed? Did you seek assistance from anyone on this platform and did they help you? Account verification is simple, all that's needed is as simple edit on a social media account other than this one.

If, for example, you have a Facebook account, all you would do is add your Hive address to your Facebook profile one time for a witness to view the addition. Then you're verified. You can remove the Hive address afterward and nobody will question your authenticity here.

I have been verified
Thank you

You're very welcome. For hivewatchers or anyone else to question authenticity, that's a compliment.

Welcome to Hive. Shoot me a line if you need help.

Your content has been voted as a part of Encouragement program. Keep up the good work!

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