My recent trial with Water colour with Christmas vibe.

in OnChainArt3 years ago

Hello, how are you everyone?
Christmas is coming soon and unfortunately this will be the most humble Christmas in the last decade.
But let's see the positive side of things, such as the fact that we could cherish more time with our family...
Yes, the pandemic had made us stay at home and have the possibility to spend more time with our family, so it is also a good thing.
The earth can take a breath for a while, less pollution and less hectic.
We can have more time to enjoy a creative hobby like doing some artworks.
These are another watercolour paintings I made recently.
I tried to make some christmas cards too.
I am still learning this new media so, it is not so great...but I love it.
Merry Christmas and stay healthy everyone 😊!

This one is what I most unsatisfied with. I have mixed the wrong colour for the aurora. Maybe I will try again later.

Schön, daß Du noch Beiträge erstellst!!! Freut mich sehr. Ich wünsche Euch schöne Festtage, falls wir uns nicht mehr vorher "schreiben" sollten. ;-)
(und bitte singe doch mal wieder was ... ;-) )

und bitte singe doch mal wieder was ... ;-)
Das wird kommen, sicherlich... warte mal ab! 😉 Und die Kleine würde auch auftreten :-D . Ich habe nur in letzter Zeit zu viel Steemmonster-Turnier gespielt :-D. Frohe Weihnachten und bleib gesund!

Wie man sieht, hast du die Zeit gut genutzt, zumal es ja auch schade wäre, so ein Talent nicht ständig weiter zu entfalten.

Eine frohe und hoffentlich auch weiße Weihnacht wünsche ich dir und deinen Liebsten, die es laut Meteorologen dieses Jahr endlich wieder geben könnte.🤗☃️

Danke @josua1 , jetzt gibt es wirklich mehr Zeit für Hobbies. Ich habe auch das Glück, dass meine Tochter bis zur geplanten Weihnachtsferien noch die KiTa besuchen darf, sodass ich die ruhig malen kann.
Ich hoffe wir bekommen den Schnee auch, unser Gebiet ist zurzeit noch relativ warm für ein Dezember.

Leaps and bounds better than I could do. You obviously have a natural talent for this. !BEER

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Thankyou, well... there is still a huge room for improvement. Have a nice weekend and Merry Christmas :).

Hi, certainly as you say this year has allowed us to spend more time with the family, and the land has had a break. Great job, it's a nice Christmas card.

Yup.. for things that we can't change much anymore, we should just try to make the best out of it. I know that it is not always easy to have children at home all the time, but instead of being grumpy.. we can also think that now we can spend more time with them now, a precious time of their growth that will never come back again.
All the restriction allows the life to run in a slower tempo, and I don't see it as a bad thing at all. Things done in a fast pace doesn't always lead into the best result.
It may still works, true, but I tend to think that the room for creativity would shrink too.
This restriction actually can help us to see things that we tend to ignore previously because of the time pressure and make us able to appreciate them more.

Sieht toll aus! Wünsche Euch frohe Weihnachten 🎁🎄

Dankeschön. Ebenfalls wünschen wir euch.

Nice drawing! The atmosphere of the drawing has a beautiful harmony in the colors and transmits me tranquility and good energies.

Thank you for the compliment. Merry Christmas and stay healthy there 😉

Beautiful art pieces as always :) Merry Christmas to all of the Kobold´s family! :)

WOW! Wonderful watercolour paintings with Christmas vibe! The sun is magnificent and the reflection on the water is gorgeous. The Christmas tree with falling snow is amazing. Great work!

It's a good idea that you will make some Christmas cards. These will be valuable cards for the recipients; your friends, etc.

I absolutely agree with you about "the positive side of things" that you mentioned...

Wishing you and your warm family a Merry Christmas and stay safe and healthy!


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