Overthinking - Original Ink artwork

in OnChainArtlast year (edited)

Overthinking - Lavi Picu.png

If overthinking burned calories, we'll be supermodels! Lately we all tend to overthink everything. Even things that we should't or aren't worth the effort. Though once you go down that path, it's hard to come back. When you split hairs and look for reasons why things would not work, rest assured that you will find them, cause over thinking leads to problems that don't even exist in the first place.

When you spend too much time analyzing, when you put relationships under the microscope lens, you miss the global picture. You focus on details and end up ignoring what is right in front of you. Basically, you miss everything worth feeling. While you are switching back and forth the lenses, trying to figure out your mind, you loose contact with the present moment.

You live in your mind, and from up there things look differently. The more you overthink, the less you will understand. The outcome of this story is entirely up to you. Though remember time is the most valuable commodity. You gotta make an effort and reconnect with the immediate world before realizing you wasted it on insignifiant things. You have power over your mind, thus calm down your racing thoughts and expect good things to come. What goes around, comes around.

The artwork in the image above was realized with ink on Canson paper.


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Lavi Picu is an interdisciplinary artist, currently residing in Montreal, Canada. She is an emerging visual artist who uses painting and poetry as alternative forms of self expression as well as pain management therapy for Lyme disease. She is also the author of four soulful collections of poetry.

@2022 Lavi Picu aka Lyme Poet. All rights reserved.


You live in your mind, and from up there things look differently. The more you overthink, the less you will understand.

So much truth to that! As a species we really tend to overthink everything. I know it used to get me into a lot of trouble as a youngster. Still does occasionally!

The younger generations seem to do it even more!!!