Dripping blood || Portrait painting with both traditional and digital media

in OnChainArt4 years ago


Hello everyone, i am here to share a drawing in which i used my favorite color all over. Yes, i love red color, and all the color around it. May be not for every kind of materials, such as cloths or something but when i paint i like use red color as much as i can.

For this drawing at first i drew it with ballpoint pen, well, not true. at first i drew the outline with pencil so i don't mess up while drawing with ball point pen because you can't erase after starting to use ball point pen.

Here are the process shots:



At this part i was finished with the ballpoint part. Honestly i had no intention of doing more to this drawing. But then i thought i could try and make it better so i had to try....

I imported the photo into clip studio paint. I thought i would make a bit animation to it but i failed at doing that... Later i deleted all the animation folders and layers.... and exported it as a image.
Screenshot 2268.png

Screenshot 2269.png

Screenshot 2270.png

Here is the final painting that came out.
Hope you enjoyed watching this and let me know your thoughts on this....

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