
in OnChainArt3 years ago



Flow is the ACTUAL last piece of the Dreamers series. As I mentioned in my last post, I added one more multi-edition piece as a way to have some work out there priced a bit cheaper. Now with the insane price action of ETH, the idea of having these be cheaper isn't exactly being achieved anymore haha. I usually think about pricing in crypto, and not fiat, so 1 ETH is 1 ETH, .25 ETH is .25 ETH etc, but maybe there's a limit to that sort of thinking, when things are mooning to this degree.


Just like my last piece, this one is a 1/15, and the first one sold pretty quickly, but similarly to the last one, the gas fees were so insane I only profited about $20 from the sale. Guess thems the breaks sometimes. All in all I've had some insanely good luck with sales so I'm not complaining.


I really enjoyed this series and I sort of hate to see it end, but I'm not the sort of artist that can really stay in one place for too long. I think it's better for sales to just find something that works that people like then just constantly iterate on that, but it's just not me. I think the happy medium I've found is to try to make iconic series that have a unique recognizable look, pump out some pieces that hopefully get associated with me, then move on. Anyway, the journey continues. See you all in the next post.


NFT sounds like way too much work ^_^;

You might sell the other editions once the gas prices come down. This one looks pretty cool too :)

Yea it can be a bit much at times, thanks!


Incredible series, really beautiful!!!!

Glad you like! Thank you!

Love this kind of art!

Really love your work

Dreams make ones focus 🤗 it's served as a yardstick through which you paddled on and achieve your aims✌️