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28 04 2 0 2 2
Kanzashi Art
An art on Hive

During the onset of the pandemic, many of us thought about what we can do while in lockdown. Today I want to share with you a way to fight boredom. This occupation is called - the art of Kanzashi.
To create simple jewelry, you will need pieces of fabric, beads and a lighter.
First we need to make blanks from which we will then assemble the brooch. The main material for Kanzashi jewelry is ordinary satin fabric. Ribbon leftovers work great.

The photo shows the process of cutting ribbon fragments. Action available even to a child

Ribbon cutting completed

The next stage is the manufacture of brooch details

The edges of the ribbon are burned in the flame of a candle.

The next step is to create the shape of the brooch

To complete, you need to add accents. The result is such a wonderful owl!
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