Drawing on a scarf, original work

in OnChainArtlast year

Have you ever felt like you weren't good enough for something? It's happened to me often in my life.. but the problem is when it happens because of something you love, like I love drawing.. since I was little I love to draw and that's what fulfills me, but if you think it only came from myself and that I didn't have many ups and downs, you are wrong. It often happened to me that I was my own worst enemy and that I held myself back in what I was doing because I thought that I was not up to something. It is still the same today, only that feeling is much rarer, less frequent and passes quickly. Whenever I tried to do something new, I asked myself a million questions - am I good enough for it, will I be able to do it, am I just wasting my time... But you know what? You can't know until you try. So, little by little, I started to introduce some novelties into my drawing, first portraits, then another kind of colors, then drawing caricatures, and the last of them was drawing scarves. Definitely the biggest challenge for me so far, but when I go back in time, I would do it again because it's something that fulfills me.
I can't wait to hear what you think of my new scarf and whether I should continue with this technique.







