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RE: I want to get away

in OnChainArt4 years ago

I did exactly that! Born on a farm and marooned in a big city due to a divorce action.
To grow up in a place that I always hated and an inner longing for nature, silence and peace.
So finally after most of my life was spent there, I simply packed up and flew away, regardless of commitments, situations or anything else. Just packed up and left.
The funny thing is that now I continue to ask myself why I have never done this at a much earlier time lol.
We simply have to understand that we create our own anchors!

You look lovely with all of that war paint on 😁😁😁


Thank you very much! I can understand your feeling and I admire people who choose freedom over certainty. I think that many frustrations come from the inability to say no to the things we do not want

Sometimes it is better to have a fresh start

The issue is that we allow uncertaincies to curtail and govern our thoughts and subsequently our actions. Yes, frustration transforms into stress and this only leads to bitterness and ilnesses.
Best is to trust in the self and to take a step out there into the unknown.

Surprisingly we will soon find out that we can atually handle it.

I think that we all learn our lessons in our own pace. Experience plays an important role in learning how to handle temporary frustrations

Oh yes, of course you are correct, but some, like me have a lot of patience and that's why it took me so long to make the changes. But in the interim I also gained a lot of experience which now helps a great deal to live the change. And to appreciate the good in the change.

To be patient is one great quality we should all strive to possess

Oh yes indeed, it has helped me so many times milady!