Portrait of Professor Sergio in The Movie titled; Money Heist

in OnChainArtlast year (edited)

Hello everyone,
Wishing you a blissful new week. Recently, I reminisce about my best seasonal movie title La Case De Papel (Money Hiest). I was motivated to draw the most important figure in the movie that played the role of Professor Sergio.

As you can see, I used pen and scribbling technique on a cartridge paper.

Below are the progress shots;

Thanks for viewing my works. Kindly reblog it for me.
Much love


Wow this look amazing. Keep it up a good art work. For I know in my own way is not easy to sketch with a pen and at the end it look exactly the person. Congratulations I love it

Thanks boss
Good morning sir

Your style is coming out gradually. Keep at it.

Thank you very much bro