Watercolor portrait

in OnChainArt3 years ago

When I explore on hive, I see some amazing pork chops. Buy amazing I mean they are amazing, some almost look real like a picture. So I have to practice to eventually get to that level as well. So here is a watercolor portrait then I started by sketching with pencil.

By pencil, I mean pencils with an "s". I started with a 4H pencil to add more details and shadows using different darker one. Once it was done,I added some watercolors to give it a little touch.

Here are some of my progress pics


I hope you guys like it, thanks for the view.


Nice portrait 👍

You know I felt that unfollow all the way over here.

Oh crap (how the heck that happen!) (Well probably my thumb as I use my phone to check out Hive...I guess). I had seriously no idea, never would I unfollow you 😊, literally hundreds will be unfollowed before Dandays! 😄 Thanks for telling me, I go manually to your posts (you are in my favorites 😉), not thru the stream, so I don't think I would of ever notice. My best guess would be while I was scrolling up and down the cicadas yesterday 😉. We have those here too, they are pretty big too. Sry about that anyway, I feel the ouch all the way here!!

I knew it was a slip of the thumb. I do most of this with my phone too. They've yet to make a screen equivalent to the size of these fat ass thumbs.

Had it been anyone else I wouldn't have said anything. 😉

Heheh, I knew you would get it was an accident 😁( maybe I should not drink and hive 🤣). Btw, today is the official day where curfews and restrictions are being lifted off around here ... so maybe the "dont drink and hive" will have to wait a little bit, as it is time to celebrate!. 🥳