I Was Inspired To Draw Celien Dion - My Drawing 05

in OnChainArt3 months ago


This drawing is dedicated to Céline Marie Claudette Dion the beautiful woman who brought more sweet songs to existence.
Céline Dion is a Canadian singer. Referred to as the "Queen of Power Ballads", She is known for making beautiful songs that are soul touching and I love to sleep with her songs playing on a low tone.

About Celine Dion

Céline Dion was born on 30 March 1968, her first hit song is "Where Does My Heart Beat Now" and her most successful song is "My Heart Will Go On.

**How She Inspired Me **

At one point in time she said "One should Never say that his or her life is to be a singer. You may want to sing because it's a part of your life. But if you didn't make it as a singer. That doesn't mean you don't have a life and it's over. You have a lot of other opportunities up ahead".

Steps In This Drawing





Céline Dion's songs are wonderful especially her voice.
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