Christmas Painting 🎄

in OnChainArt3 years ago


Merry Christmas wherever you are in the world!

This is my painting study of Bill’s restaurant which is close to where I live in Brighton, England. I walk past the restaurant most days, and decided it was looking great with its interior lighting/decoration and exterior design with the Xmas tree, and deserved a painting study!

I couldn't paint on location this time, so I took this photo on my camera, brought it back home, and painted from it, zoomed all the way out, not focusing on small details, but the larger shapes and colours masses instead.

Screen Shot 2020-12-24 at 22.58.39.png

Above image: my original photo I took on location in Brighton, England.

Remember, laughter and good cheer, positive spirits and celebration, despite what is going on, is good for your overall health, well-being, mind, body and spirit. Focus for the moment on the good things you have, the things to be grateful for, and what matter most to you. Allow yourself to feel good and not be weighed down. 🍾

If you are completely alone, reach out!

My painting once again:


Thank you for viewing,



Bill's restaurant was very nice to you. Merry christmas to you.

Very festive 😆 do you stop in there sometimes?

Happy silly season 🙃