The last Reincarnation

in OnChainArt2 years ago

Hi there!

Finally, the last cover for an episode of Reincarnated with the Strongest System, at least for now.
And it's another pseudo anime work, this time I could make it pass without a lot of the thing. :D
I did try to keep the style though, and with Daz not having an anime male preset, this was a must, as I've no good way to create anime characters otherwise...


I mean I've no problem creating characters in a scene, but this large and being the whole focus... I'm not that kind of painter (if I am at all).
But gladly I managed this time, looking forward to the day I can't haha.


Once again I did not have to work a whole lot on the render, as I managed quite decent lighting from Daz itself.
However this time it was fun to get the character looking as the author wanted. He was apparently way too old the way I made it at first. For fun, here's the render of when he was an older dude, more like Fist of the North Star or something, way more psycho. :D


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Very nice! Im curious about this "Reincarnated with the Strongest System", where can I check it?
@tipu curate

 2 years ago  

Thank you! :D
The book can be found here, still with different episode cover: