[ESP/ENG] Mi hermano/ My brother.

in OnChainArt4 years ago

¡Hola! este es un retrato de mi hermano mayor.

El día que realice este dibujo estaba pensando mucho en el ya que lo extraño muchísimo, espero les guste

Hello! This is a portrait of my older brother.

The day this drawing is made I was thinking a lot about him since I miss him a lot, I hope you like it


Gracias por ver.

Thanks for watching.


Where is your bother that you are missing him? Did he move away for work? I hope it’s not sad but I am curious since you are missing him.

Another great picture thank you for sharing!

Responding to the doubt that you have, that reason why I miss him is because he moved and I spent a lot of time with him, we were very close, and I've had a lot of time without seeing him and without talking to him; thanks for watching and I'm glad you like my drawing