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RE: Painting Spinel - Ready to be met / Pintando Spinel - Lista para ser recordada.

in OnChainArt4 years ago

My kids have seen all of Steven Universe but I haven't so I missed this character. And I think you might have had to change the design of the character slightly to suit the semi-realistic colouring style so this one worked out better given the interesting style of Steven Universe XD

Love the dramatic lighting and all the transluscent bits in this one :)

Why is it bad to get attached to a painting? From the admittedly limited number of other artists I actually communicate with it always seems better when they get attached to it or throw a lot of themselves into it.

 4 years ago  

don't worry :3 and hehe, yeap i change the style and design in somethings so to make it fit xd.

About getting attached is in some projects, specially practices or when one is making scenarios for a history. This time it was not a problem since it was more as a personal paint.
But when making storyboard or throwing ideas it is good to not get too much attached so one can discard paints if they don't work on the final project :'3 , more like that is the idea.