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RE: Reaching for the Stars- Polishing an Artwork!

in OnChainArt4 years ago

Looks like Little Adventurer picks up more glyphs for their cloak the further along into the adventure they go ;D

This part of this building looks pretty fantastic, must be quite a sight for Little Adventurer and anyone else tagging along for the ride.

Also there's loads of different methods for achieving any given end result because people work differently, and some will work better for others no matter how desperately people want the one that works for them to be the one true method XP

 4 years ago  

Looks like Little Adventurer picks up more glyphs for their cloak the further

Yup!! :D I wish I could work on bigger canvas xD my pc doesnt let me haha

True for methods, the posts aren't steb by step tutorials, but rather work together, to show the differences and how I keep trying more things till I find what works for me ^^ I do hope some tips I share are helpful for any method of painting