Old Mechanized Artwork from the past...

in OnChainArt2 years ago

My artwork is heavily inspired by Japanese Animes of the 90s like Akira , Ghost in the Shell, Tri-gun, Outlaw Star just to name a few. Matsumune Shirow is my favourite all time Mangaka and Artist... that guy is way ahead of his time same with Otomo. I will be doing more sci fi stuff soon for a NFT collection like BayC. Stay tuned!





Really cool. Keep me posted on your NFT's. Who are some of your favorite sci-fi NFT makers ?

Sure thing. Peter Monbacher.

That's just BRUTAL!

Thank you!

Очень красиво!

Gee! Your Artwork is awesome. Your coloring is on another level❤️🤩

This is magnificent 😍😍😍😍