Jersey Devil NFT Cryptid Coins

in OnChainArt2 years ago

Freshly minted off the Hive blockchain:

jersey devil.png

Cryptid Currency is a great investment for the future! The Jersey Devil is the third coin in this series.

The Cryptid Commemorative Coin Collection is being minted in honor of the 40th anniversary of the term "cryptid." Each coin is forged of 99.97% pure data on the HIVE blockchain and can be used to definitively settle any debt or wager on the internet. Each coin has a value of One Cryptid.

The Jersey Devil (or Leeds Devil) inhabits the forest of Pine Barrens in South Jersey. Pine Barrens resident Jane Leeds, had twelve children and, after finding she was pregnant for the thirteenth time, cursed the child, crying that the child would be the "devil". In 1735, Mother Leeds gave birth to a normal child, that changed to a creature with hooves, a goat's head, bat wings, and clawed hands.


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