The sailor and the sea (oil on paper)

in OnChainArt4 years ago

Today was the closing day of the booksop where I work with my hubby @paolobeneforti and my friend Elena (the owner of that local booshop) and so I spent all the day working at home. In the morning I use my crochet to make some coasters for an old customer and in the afternoon I worked on a new artwork.
It's an hot summer here and even if my city is not so far from the sea (just about an hour), this year I haven't gone to the sea yet. Because of this and because of the hot weather, I have a lot of sea thoughts and images in my mind. Fortunately I can paint about it. ^_^


It's an oil painting on 200 gsm paper in A4 size and I just added it to my online shops (you can find the link at the bottom of this content).

This is not the first sailor I painted (I sold the first one some months ago), but I like so much to paint marine subject full of stripes. ^_^

In the following pics you can see a couple of steps during the process:



A detail:


I hope you like it!
See ya soon and stay safe,

***If you like my artworks, you can find them on my online shops on
Artfinder ( and on Etsy ( ^_^ ****


hello dear friend @silviabeneforti good afternoon
I love your works, they are always very beautiful and distinguished, I appreciate that you let us know your works
have a great night

Really beautiful artwork, as you do! I greatly appreciate the detail you've put into that moustache and pipe 😄

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The expression on his face says many things. Nice piece!