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RE: Realignment - NFT video loop

in OnChainArt4 years ago

Nice artwork!
Your creativity is top tier around here.

The quote/theory is also interesting and becomes profound when one is consciously aware that it came from a "radical atheist" since (IMO) it implies godliness. For any sentient being to impact the universe in such a way would mean that their position would be elevated to SUPREME BEING (of old) & CREATOR (by influence) of that new system.

In human society the theory also makes a lot of sense. Since we achieve and move forward into new paradigms with every advancement of technology and discovered knowledge.

I have a playful view that great minds exist in the eternal aether and we the collective essentially 'pick their brain' on what they provided during their "time." I imagine the Cosmic Microwave Background lined with the virtual expression of these beings, looking out into the void as OUR WATCHERS, holding in their thoughts, our systems of existence.

Terence McKenna one of many.
Your post reminded of this image: