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RE: Tokenized Art on MakersPlace: Extracts From Elemental Hope

in OnChainArt3 years ago

Whether digital or unplugged, I work the same way. I have a unfinished painting sitting around since a couple of decades, a large canvas where I dabble on with left-over paints while painting something else. And with digital, I often forget the process how I got there in the first place. Not one to record my steps, which I should, actually.

 3 years ago  

I always forget my process and then I have a hard time repeating something I really like 😹
Recording is a good idea.....
And yeah me too..... I have hundreds of unfinished songs that are decades old lol

this thing with processes with digital: I am not very organized and methodical, but more like a little kid with a chemistry set, always just on the edge of blowing up the house. At least with art, that does not happen, but it does create a refuse bin full of junk.