Remembering David

in OnChainArt3 years ago (edited)

"If God's will is in your little stones, they will surely bring down giant Goliaths
... but you have to make the throw!”

Israelmore Ayivor

Digging around in my stacks, I again noticed this etching from long ago, created while a student at the University of Lethbridge Art Department (1977 to 1982). I initially applied to just audit a course in printmaking, but stayed for the whole program, eventually graduating after 5 years, which included also working for them and even teaching summer courses and running the art gallery for a year as a sabbatical replacement (I had been the gallery assistant the year before). These few years were the only time I created etchings, mainly because of access to the print studio and presses (and I also worked as a studio assistant then), something I later never had access, though currently, at the Kunstquartier Wien we have a printmaker in the house, Tom Phelan whom I had talked to about collaborating.

Otto Scanned Originals 016pssz.jpg
DAVID #3 - etching, aquatint and sugarlift, 1977 (scan from the original done 2014)
The technical stuff used for this print explained:

Etching, Aquatint and Sugarlift. The one thing I explored later on, Mezzotint, is not used in this print, which is sort of a show-off what I had learned so far. While I made trial proofs, I never editioned that plate: I have no idea where it went, but I might have a copy of a proof left (would need to check in my studio - since I scanned this 2014 when I was in Vienna already). Do follow the links above, they are very informative of the diverse processes of Intaglio Printing. Another resource I recommend is found here: How to do Printmaking - Methods and Materials. I had not done much Engraving, but had worked with Drypoint quite a lot.
Now I could have made a big show by quoting all these resources here, but think it should suffice to provide the links of articles carefully vetted for this blog.

On the subject of David

It is quite obvious where the inspiration for this print comes from, and in those days I had done a few pieces aside from printing also drawing and painting. One work that was never completed - it was badly damaged before I could finish it. Subsequently I gave it to some artist friends of mine in Canada to "cut up for parts" and use for a collage in a community project.

David Multiplicity
acrylic on canvas, uncompleted - 1976, the year before attending University

Lately I was thinking of re-doing this painting digitally, completing where I left off. But honestly, there are so many projcts on the backburner I don't know if I ever get around to it.

Below a drawing and the earliest painting where I used David as a subject (only a black and white photo of it exists).

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David #1 - india ink on paper - 1975

on the right, David #2
acrylic on canvas - 1975 ► ► ►

So both of these done two years before going to University. While I still have the drawing, I have no idea where the painting is, but it was sold through my gallery in Canada.

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So there you have it - four of my "Davids" - but there were many more sketches also, none recorded. For the sake of disclosure, early on Steemit I posted a rant about censorship where I used these images in the context of the post, having to do with a blog of mine about Facebook Morality Apostles from February 2014, something you might also enjoy reading, particularly since nothing has changed much on "Fecalbook" (as a artist friend of mine is fond of calling it).

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I'm still here
... in "Corona Lockdown Vienna" ... will it ever end? I miss my friends, I miss traveling, I miss the hugging, the laughing, the happy togetherness. While I can deal with loneliness, I need to get out from time to time to have fun being with people. I love my friends and I miss them very much.

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"If God's will is in your little stones, they will surely bring down giant Goliaths
... but you have to make the throw!”
― Israelmore Ayivor

What a timely message. And a great work of art too! I've got some "little stones" to throw into this NFT craze, but my Goliath-sized doubts and fears holding me back. If this is His way of assuring me, then there is only one way to find out. Cheers!

You did a great job! Hopefully the lockdown will end and you will be joyous again!

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