The Give Me a Hand Photo Art Contest! 'A Baby's Hand.'

in OnChainArt4 years ago (edited)

'A Baby's Hand.'

This is my entry for the 'Give Me A Hand Art Contest' organized by @kusknee

If you would like to participate in the contest, check out the details here:

There is something extremely endearing about the chubby shape of a babies hand; something really vulnerable and innocent.

I think I l may have lost that sense of vulnerability and innocence when I produced this image with the help of digital technology. But a word that comes to mind when viewing it is: 'Unique.'

hand  1png.png

This is the original photograph. Isn't it captivating?




Bang, even on HIVE I did it again... I just rehived your post!
Sorry, no beers or deranged or trdo yet... waiting on steem-engine to make the move to HIVE...
Week 4 of my contest just can now check the winners of the previous week!

Wow! Amazing art work!! You are really gifted!

You're very kind @kaminchan Thanks you. 💐

That is incredible art work it's already a winner 👍

Thanks so much for your vote of confidence @kohsamui99 Greatly Appreciated. 💐

Your welcome i when over to @kus-knee page he has some pretty fun contests going on must look at entering in some 😊

Have fun! 😊

Will definitely try. Thanks 😆

Thanks for the post and the nice entry!!!

Thank you @kus-knee You're welcome! 😊

You're very welcome @kus-knee Thank you.

Goodness! @trudeehunter

In addition to being unique, the edits are out of this world, Trudee! Yours is my favorite entry in the contest. And I totally agree with you about the preciousness of a baby's hand and those teeny fingernails!💕👶💫

Your lovely comments have made my day dear Nina. Many thanks for your friendship and support. Truly appreciated. 💐