Twisted Path / ねじれた軌跡 (ENG/JPN)

in OnChainArtlast year

This is my original artwork.
"Twisted Path"
Mixed Media,24.2x33.3cm,2022

I tied a string in this painting to make several knots, and unusually, I put my brush down a little bit. I also lined up felt balls and placed large ribbons, which I like. I had fun doing whatever I wanted to do. I have been twisting and turning and getting lost in this way, but I am somehow still alive. And I want to paint as I like forever.

Akiko Yada's exhibition "If you get an inspiration"
Date: January 18 (Wed.) - 24 (Tue.), 2023, 9:30 - 18:00 (until 14:30 on the last day)
Venue: Tomita Gallery ANNEX in Galleria Reino main store
(11-46, Kaminobori-machi, Naka-ku, Hiroshima City, Hiroshima Prefecture, Japan, at the corner of the signal intersection in front of Noborimachi Junior High School)
*For access, contact information, and other details, please visit



会場:ガレリア・レイノ本店内 トミタ画廊ANNEX
(広島県広島市中区上幟町11-46 幟町中学校前信号交差点角)
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