Splinterlands Art Contest - Khmer Princess

in OnChainArt4 years ago


Hello dear friends, how are you?

The weekend has come again and this time I bring you my participation for the #Splinterlands art contest, this time I chose the Khmer Princess card to make my design this week.

This time I changed some things but always trying to respect the original design of the card, I hope that everyone and even more fans of this Splinter will like my version of this card.

I say goodbye, but not before thanking you all for the support, below I leave you some of the images that I kept as I progressed in my work.


This time I started shaping the body based on the idea I had for the position.


After that I did the arms and head and I also started to work on designing the clothes for this character.


For the background that was what I worked on in this part, I did it from different old drawings of mine that with them I created an atmosphere for this design.


In this step I was adding the lights and some shadows in addition to making the hair, finishing with the clothes and making the details of the face.



Already in the final part, I only arranged the parts where I needed it, arranged the face and hair a little, and also finished making power and finished accommodating some features of the body and with that I had my participation ready.




Wacom Bamboo Tablet


Grateful to all of you for seeing and supporting my new work, I would be very happy if you leave me in the comments your opinions and criticisms regarding this style or my work. His criticisms help me to grow and encourage me to work harder to improve my art.


See you soon dear community, thank you for viewing and supporting my publications. 😜


Copyright @yanes94 - All rights reserved.

Very, very nice!

Are you going to put some of your arts to @nftshowroom?

 4 years ago  

Hi @eirik, thank you very much!!!

Yes, of course, if I may, I intend to do so. ;)

I will never get over how amazing you are!
I love this! (duh!)
I love the flow of her hair and clothing! And the background! And all of it!
I'm so glad you use Splinterlands as your muse!

 4 years ago  

hehehehehe thank you very much dear Carrie, always so sweet and kind to me, I appreciate your support and that you always take the time to see my work.

Regards!!! ;)

 4 years ago  

Manually curated by blacklux 💡Ice cream slayer 🍦 from the Qurator Team. Keep up the good work!

 4 years ago  

Thank you for having supported this and other work, I will always be grateful for your support. <3 <3 <3

Incredible work, I admire every detail of light and shadow that you made here. I can't imagine how long it took you to do all this. Very beautiful.

 4 years ago  

Hola querida Francis, espero estés muy bien. ;)

La verdad es que si me llevo mucho tiempo pero no tanto por el dibujo, fue gracias a mi laptop y PS que últimamente me tienen loca,desde perder el archivo hasta que no me deja guardar las cosas... eso y mucho mas, necesito un equipo mas potente. XD

Saludos y gracias por pasar por mi post. <3 <3 <3

This is so amazing, I love your artwork.

 4 years ago  

Muchas gracias amor. ;)

Primer lugar por siempre!!!!

 4 years ago  

Ojala!!! hehehehe gracias querida Fabi por ser tan linda y siempre apoyarme... vi que la semana pasada ganaste, me alegra y felicitaciones!!!

Un lugarsillo jiji ;) gracias!

As always with fantasy characters I shall wonder how the clothes stay on them XD I think you did a fantastic job with the Khmer princess :D I love the swirly cloth!

It's magic!

 4 years ago  

Thank you very much @aussieninja. ;)

 4 years ago  

Yes of course, fantasy characters are my favorites... and thanks for watching and supporting him, I'm so glad to hear that you liked me. ;)

Vi el personaje bajando y dije, este seguro es de carmen, y si, ya reconozco tu estilo jejeje, muy bien logrado como siempre baby 👌

 4 years ago  

hehehehehe gracias amor, voy a cambiar de estilo para hacértelo mas difícil. XD

Te quedo fantastico y las luces me encantaron buen trabajo saludos

Que va señorita Yanes, ya no se que palabras decirle ya, sus magnificas obras me tienen ya iluminado en mi kokoro. <3 :,3

 4 years ago  

Hola cariño, no te preocupes y me encanta estar en ese kokoro. XD

esta increíble, eres mi inspiración

 4 years ago  

WOW gracias, me dejas sin palabras. ;)

Absolutely love this art, great job, and you really deserved that first place prize.

 4 years ago  

Thank you very much for viewing and supporting my work @gamefiles, I'm glad you liked it. <3 <3 <3

De todos tus dibujos esta chica es la mejor proporcionada anatomicamente, ves lo importante que es iniciar con toda la figura desnuda, se siente que se pierde algo de tiempo pero a la final lo vale, y mas si guardaste la capa y hiciste la ropa en otra así podrías hacerles diferentes vestuarios como hace varios artistas en Deviantart

 4 years ago  

Si es que lo se, realmente es mejor hacer el cuerpo y luego la ropa pero me da lala perder tanto tiempo, a eso me refiero... pero si, desnuda es mejor para ver posibles errores en la anatomía, ademas de eso tienes razón sobre distintos atuendos pero igual no se podrían publicar ya que es el mismo dibujo pero con diferente ropa. ;)

Gracias amor y saludos!!! <3 <3 <3

Te pasaste!, de más de hermosa el diseño del personaje. Me encantó, super atractiva y muy bien elaborada. Merecida tiene el primer puesto, felicidades por su premio. 👏🏽

 4 years ago (edited) 

Hola @frankches gracias por ver y pensar eso de mi trabajo, me alegra enormemente que te haya gustado. ;)

Epic creation, I REALLY like this one, perfect color choices.. I very much hope to see your work in my album-book and in the contest. Blessings.

 3 years ago  

That makes me happy! I did several Splinterlands fanarts, but when I did this one I wanted to achieve some LOL style, even though the MTG ones are very good too (I love those characters), I have to keep improving lol. Splinterlands sure have new characters, I have to check it out. ☺️😉👌🏻

Yes, sure!
Ps: I have some sketches for the contest but I have some fear and I don't know which one to do lol😝😝. There is one that I like but I do not know if it would be the appropiate😂😂😂

Awesome! Are you on Discord? If so I would be happy to take a look at the sketches and give you my opinion if you send me images in a DM.

 3 years ago  

Yes, I have.
That would be great.😋☺️

Send me a FR on Discord so we can message each other
 3 years ago  


If you are Triz on there, I responded and feel free to shoot those sketches over whenever you are ready. I will be in and out today.

 3 years ago  

You are ready ☺️☺️