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RE: The passing of a local legend- my Wonderful, warm, caring, compassionate and hilarious Dad.

The good thing about Kiva is that you don't have to choose Africa. You can choose to support anyone from any country that has qualified for a loan. A great initiative.

Thanks so much for the engagement. Good luck with this and your continued Hive journey. Take care.



Ah yes, so true, but I do want to choose so many of the African nations- and everyone else too!
Wish I was getting millions!

No matter the amount you are able to give, I can just see the faces of those deserving individuals as they celebrate you for helping make their dreams come true.

Take care.

Yes me too and I've actually told a few friends about it and they have all said that it's a brilliant idea, so hopefully we'll be able to help more people out there!

They and I like the idea of that same amount being able to go around and around as many times as you want it to.

I have also developed (in my brain so far) a great way to combine it and Hive onboarding too, so stay tuned! 😃

@justclickindiva, sorry! You need more $ALIVE staked to use this command.

The minimum requirement is 1000.0 ALIVE staked (non-delegated stake plus incoming delegations).

More $ALIVE is available from Hive-Engine or Tribaldex, plus you can win Alive Power delegations in our daily chat on every day.