Almost There: Looking Back on My College Memories Before Graduation

in Life Stories28 days ago

Hello, dear Hivers! It’s me again, @reshychannn. I am back with a new blog to share with you all. Please have some time to read this blog. Thank you so much!

Graduation season is coming! Finally, we're almost there. I’m sure many of you can relate to how excited I am for graduation because it’s something very special for us students and for our family. And now, I am here to share with you my unforgettable college memories. ❤️

White Texture Frame Happy Birthday Photo Collage Landscape.png

Photo edited in Canva. Canva template from "mystudio11"

6 years in elementary (not including kindergarten), 4 years in junior high school, 2 years in senior high school, and 4 years in college. All of these years were spent studying. It's so tiring, isn’t it? But it’s also the best years of our lives. We made new friends, new memories, and even some enemies (hahahahaha).

Anyway, if we talk about college memories, I surely have a lot. And I am ready to share it with you all.


For the first 1 and 1/2 years in college, I never really had memories with my classmates because it was a pandemic and we had our online classes through google classroom and google meet. However, I still made some new friends through online chatting.

Fast forward: We are now in our second year, second semester, and we were advised to have a blended class, wherein we will have face-to-face classes on Mondays and Tuesdays and online classes for the rest of the days in a week. That was the time when we started to get to know each other well.

Now, here are some of the most unforgettable memories I had during my college years.

School Intramurals 2022

This was our first ever school intramurals experience in college after the pandemic. We enjoyed watching other students play their sports. I am not an athletic person, so I just watch others together with my friends. We were just their cheerleaders and support system, especially for our team, the Burning Spear. As far as I’ve remembered, this event lasted for four days because we utilized the fifth day of the week, which is Friday, for our acquaintance party.

Acquaintance Party 2022

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This was also our very first acquaintance party experience. The theme was “Black & White." I was never prepared for this event, so I just wore simple clothes. I really enjoyed the night with my close friends and classmates. We even had a short “disco” party after the program, and everybody danced to the music.

Student's Day 2023

This was our first student's day experience as a college student. The theme was "euphoria," but I just wore whatever was available in my closet without thinking if it fit with the theme. Everyone really looked beautiful in their outfits and makeup. The venue was not very pleasant for everybody because it was very hot since we just utilized our covered court. However, as the program went on, we just forgot about the venue and started enjoying the night. There were a lot of activities, such as the lip sync competition, raffles, etc. There was even free ice cream. I can see the students really enjoyed the night, and so do I. It was a fun experience, indeed.

On-the-Job Training 2023


This experience was not very pleasant to me. However, I still include this as one of my unforgettable experiences during my college years. If you’re asking why, it is because during our OJT for over a month, our team didn’t have any important learnings, and we almost didn’t do anything. I will not disclose the place where we had our OJT for privacy. But honestly, all we did back then was sleep and eat. We just took photos for documentation purposes so that we would have something to write in our journal. We even got "NG" (No Grade) remarks because our documents were not released before the giving of grades. :(

Thesis Defended



This was one of the most refreshing moments of my life. Finally, we had defended our thesis after all the hard work and sleepless nights. I was the team leader during our thesis era, and I would say it was not easy.

Music Video Project

This was our final project during our third-year-second semester. We were tasked with creating a jingle about our class-made tourism slogan, which is “Be Mesmerized, Philippines." I was one of the vocalists and also one of the lyricists. This project was very fun. We even booked a professional photographer and videographer so that we could present a high-quality project. If you wish to watch the video, this is the LINK.

School Intramurals 2023

Our second school intramurals experience in 2023. Time flies so fast. The first intramural feels like yesterday. Anyway, for this event, @leetalks and I were part of the focal persons to facilitate all teams in the different sports in our team, which is the "Burning Spear." We will be the ones to follow up on the final list of players. And we were also the ones who led and taught the “saludo” of the Burning Spear members. “Saludo” is like a composed yell or jingle related to our team name, which is “Burning Spear." This experience was really tiring, but still, we surely enjoyed it.

Acquaintance Party 2023

And yes, our second acquaintance party experience in 2023 after the intramurals. The theme was “Masquerade Ball." The experience was great, but the venue lacks decorations. It looked so bare and plain based on my observations and feedback from our instructors. Still, we enjoyed the night with our friends, classmates, and schoolmates. Everybody looked beautiful and elegant.

Tourism Gala



Program cover, passport & ticket was edited in Canva by me & @leetalks

This activity was part of our Tourism Month celebration in September 2023. Our class prepared an imaginary cruise. We even improvised a printed passport and tickets for the guests so they would really look real. The cruise ship’s name was "Anthem of the Seas." It was inspired by one of the ships from the Royal Caribbean shipping line. I was part of the crew of the ship during the event. We also assigned other classes to present significant cultural dances from every country we stopped by. Our chosen route is the Middle East. The experience was really nice, and everyone commended us for the successful cruise tourism activity.

Looking back on these beautiful memories is making me emotional. Apart from the best ones, I also went through a lot of struggles, but now, finally, I am almost there. Just a few days more before graduation, and I thank God for all of this.


These are just some of my memorable college experiences. But actually, there’s really a lot more to this, and as they say, the best ones are those that are not documented.

To my fellow students here at Hive, your journey might not have been easy, but it will surely pay off. I know there are a lot of struggles and challenges when it comes to our studies, but there is more laughter that is shared among our classmates and friends, wonderful memories that are made, and a strong connection that will remain untouched even after separating ways. Good luck on your journey! Fighting!

Thank you so much for reading this blog. If you can relate, feel free to share your college memories in the comments. Let’s all support each other as well. See you on my next blog soon!



Looks like you really had a blastful journey! Even though it wasn't a linear journey, you still did appreciate everything you've been through. Now I know, college isn't that scary at all.💗

I really had a wonderful journey. And yes, college isn't scary at all. I mean, it might be at first, but as go through the journey, you'll gonna love and embrace all the amazing experiences, be it good or bad. ✨

I will surely miss those moments 😭🥺

Yesss, me too! Now we're all pressured by the future. 😮‍💨

college life will make you realized how pressure it is but just manage your time❤️

This is so true. With proper time management, dedication, and faith in God, nothing is impossible in college. ❤️

Omggg!! CONGRATULATIONS MY KAPWA NORMALISTA!❤️💛 Your journey is a blast! You will surely miss those moments that you and your friends, colleagues and teachers shared!

Hiii! I'm glad to meet another Normalista here. Yes, definitely. Those moments made my college life bearable and fun. 🥺💜

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Thank you so much! Will work hard to reach the new target.

You're welcome @reshychannn. Looking forward to you reaching your target 😅

Congratulations Ma'am @reshychannn and God bless to your next journey.

Thank you so much, ma'am @diamondinthesky! I'm feeling a little bit pressured about my future. 😮‍💨✨

We're almost there, @reshychannn! It has been a rollercoaster ride but everything will pay off soon! 🫶

Yes, finally! We’re getting that degree. ✨

Wow! You had very blastful journey ma'am! Congratulations in advance!🎉

Thank you so much! It was indeed a wonderful journey. 💜

I would surely miss the good and epic memories we all shared together. Got crazy, cried together, got depressed, and laughed so hard, especially with those stolen shots in and outside our classrooms 😭 Time flies so fast and we're almost there, together✨

Yesss! Just a few more days and we're gonna get that Diploma. Surely, we had a wonderful and fun experiences together with our classmates. And that would be something worthy to be treasured. ✨