Curie Author Showcase (November 27, 2023)

in Curie8 months ago


In the spirit of Curie's mission to promote undiscovered and exceptional content, we wish to use this ongoing section to provide an author showcase for some of the outstanding authors who received Curie upvotes in the past week. Selected posts are nominated by curators for inclusion in this showcase.

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    100 HP, 250 HP, 500 HP, 1,000 HP, 2,000 HP, 5,000 HP

Featured Author: @thebigsweed
A Facelift, no not mine, I Like my Face Just Like it is!

This was the 1st of the four bungalows that I built here at the farm.

The name of this one says it all. What seems like a lifetime ago, 34 years actually since the construction was completed, three boys ages 10, 8, and 2 were in the picture. Needless to say, my dear partner in crime had her hands full. Being the mother of three rambunctious boys leaves little time to sit back and SMELL THE ROSES.

Featured Author: @clareartista
Can We Be TOOOO Inspired??

Beautiful sewing-love friends on Hive!

The house is full of new-old clothing and fabrics: at least 4 large sacks came through the doors this weekend; there were already large stores of woolly and felted items, silk and cotton, linen and sheet life - but now... now we have acquired a veritable cornucopia of colours-textures-potential, and we're taking a pause - writing - to gather the focus and inspiration for all the new projects that our hands are itching to sew...

Featured Author: @xerox94
The Beatles in Varadero: A unique musical show surrounded by treasures and decorations

Good beautiful PINMAPPLE community.

On this occasion I found this incredible place located in Varadero, Cuba, a very attractive place for its beaches and climates, but not only this but with places as emblematic as this one, called The Beatles. this amazing place transported me back to the golden age of the legendary Liverpool band.

In addition to having a fabulous musical show and its impressive collection of trophies, ornaments, t-shirts, scarves, flags and other decorations, creating an incredible place for Rock and Roll lovers.

Featured Author: @vindiesel1980
Losers get lost...getting OFF-ROAD

Nobody is the same. Even when someone looks the same, it is still like they say in Thailand "Same Same, But Different". Although many of us are labelled and even put into a box. But what if you are different? Not part of the mainstream? What if people say you are not successful or even call you a loser? Better deal with it, life will never be perfect. It's not a bad thing to take a different direction.

I took this shot during a train ride in Myanmar. It was a bit slow, we jumped off and decided to walk into a new adventure ourselves instead of waiting with herd locked up in a cumbersome vehicle

Featured Author: @maars
The Lights in the Northern Sky

In a true story-telling fashion I left this story on a cliffhanger and disappeared for several days, even if not intentionally. Writing still is a struggle to me, mostly trying to find the balance between wanting to make it perfect and still having fun. Not to say it is perfect, nowhere near, but I think to those who also think of themselves as perfectionists this is a very familiar feeling. I might dwell into this topic some other time however, I feel bad leaving the story where I did last time, so here it is.

After the evening get-together we had with the other visitors of the Arc, everyone slowly one after another disappeared into their rooms. Me and my roommate did the same — after all, it was a very long and exhausting day, the next day required an early awakening and a good night sleep was a necessity.

Posts for this author showcase were selected by Curie curator @alcibiades with the help of other curators. All images and quoted texts are the copyright of their respective authors.


Congrats for all participants

Thank you for featuring my post in the Curie Author Showcase.
I would also like to thank @alcibiades and the other curators for taking the time to look at my post.
To be mentioned with the other authors highlighted here is a big deal to me.

Congratulations to all selected posts, you shared a good quality post here in the Platform.