An extended clip from our performance at the Kulturborse Music showcase earlier this year

in Curie4 years ago

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Hey 3Speakers!

One of the ways we have been able to play roughly 100 shows per year is by performing at different showcase festivals where concert and festival booking agents are always scouting for the next talents. While we have often tried to avoid the text book music industry plays, this one remains a MUST if you wish to get on the radar of festivals and get opportunities to perform in front of a larger audience.

This performance was at Kulturborse in Oldenburg, Germany. The festival drew bookers from Northwest Germany and the Netherlands who were searching for bands and performers for their festivals for 2021 and beyond. We had a great performance, and afterwards had many interested parties exchanging information with us.

Hopefully this video shows you why that was!

▶️ 3Speak


You guys are incredible!!
Whats the name of the song that you played around 4:30. I dont remember its name :)
I really enjoyed your performance!!
p.s. forget it I just find it!! ;)