Road to FM - Episode #1

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Hello #Hive!

Hey everybody! Guess what? I bet you didn’t know that I love playing chess! It’s one of my super #fun hobbies and one of my all-time favorite games to #play.

Every single day, I watch this really cool guy named Levy Rozman on YouTube. His channel is called Gothamchess and he’s amazing at chess. He’s got this awesome series called "Road to GM" where he’s trying to become a Grandmaster on A Grandmaster is like the best of the best in chess! Watching him makes me want to get better and better at #chess too.

So, I thought, "Hey, why not try to become a FIDE Master myself?" A FIDE Master is still super good at chess, but not as high as a #Grandmaster. I decided to start my own journey to becoming a #FIDE Master and share it with all of you. I’m going to post videos every day showing how I’m practicing and learning new chess moves. It’s going to be a super fun adventure, and I really hope you’ll come along and watch my videos. Maybe we can #learn together!

Did you know there’s a Chess community right here on Hive? It’s called "The Chess Community" and they have these cool tournaments every week. Anyone can join, and it’s so exciting! The tournaments are held on LiChess, which is another awesome place to play chess online.

I just joined this Chess #community and I’m planning to enter my very first tournament soon. I’m a bit nervous but also super excited! I really hope I do well. Wish me luck and keep your fingers crossed for me!

If you want to join the tournament too, you should check out the articles from @stayoutoftherz. They have all the details you need to get started.

I can’t wait to share my chess videos with you all. I hope you enjoy watching them as much as I enjoy making them! Let’s have lots of fun #playing chess together!

Bye for now,

▶️ 3Speak


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I wish you many success on your way to FM! What´s your name on Lichess?
Next tournament starts this Friday.

Thank you so much 🙂 I will be there. My username on Lichess is Dovycola 🙂


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