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RE: Chess problem 77 / Schachaufgabe 77

in The Chess Community4 years ago (edited)

1.♘a8, ♚x♘
2.♚b6 +, ♚b8
3.♖b7+, ♚c8


Another variant would be:

1.♘a8, c1=Q
2.♖b7+, ♚c8


And the other variant would be:

1.♘a8, c1=Q
2.♖b7+, ♚x♘
3.♚b6 ++


 4 years ago  

1. Na8 c8N And then?

1. Na8 Rb4 And then?

1. Na8 Rg8 And then?

White women win with ♘a8:
1.-♘a8 , … c8= ♘
2.-♘b6 .. ?
And White wins with the move ♖b7 ++ inevitably.

A variant would be:
1.-♘ a8, …♖b4
2.-♘b6 .. ?
And White wins with the move ♖b7++ inevitably.

Another variant would be:
1.- ♘a8, …♖g8
2.-♘b6 .. ?
And White wins with the move ♖b7++ inevitably.

 4 years ago  
  1. Na8 Rg8
  2. Nb6 Rg7

And now?

1.- ♘a8, …♖g8
2.-♘b6, …♖g7
3.- ♖f8+,… ♚c7 (forced)
4.- ♖c8 ++

 4 years ago  

Congrats, I hereby declare you as winner of this round! You will receive a 100 % upvote as well as @freiheit50 who also found most of the key variations.

Thank you, my brother.