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RE: Hivechess Tournament S10 Round 3: We have a new winner - @samostically!

in The Chess Community2 years ago (edited)

... the third round of S10 was a "slow" 7+0 arena (however with lots of berserking ongoing😁) ...

Even if I am a very bad berserker (with 0 inc in the end) I was simply forced to berserk as non-berserking would mean to be way too slow in a 7 + 0 mode.
It might sound paradoxical, but for slow players short time controls (with 1 or 2 seconds inc) are far better in Arena mode because then they are not forced to berserk.


I benefited from that LOL.... but think about it, you can easily beat many players easily with 3:30! So the pairing matters too. If you get u-2000 players 4 times in a row... that's 12 points already!

 2 years ago  

I even have blackouts against weaker players, so the points are never guaranteed, but if I can avoid blackouts I also beat strong ones ... just check my games and you will see ...

You beat me like a thief most times.... but at the end of the day, I'm more comfortable playing you than @tungphong or @eniolw!

I'm always praying to get to time pump lol.

I would do a special study on jaki's games....maybe a Hivechess documentary someday lol