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RE: Is chess dead?

in The Chess Communitylast year (edited)

Soccer players make absurd amounts of money but if it were different, obviously you couldn't make a career out of it.

Right, but don't forget the following:

  • Most soccer players cannot live from playing soccer. Considering the huge amount of worldwide soccer players the percentage of successful ones should be rather low ...
    From a 'normal' job you can live (more or less) well, even if you are not performing exceptionally well. A soccer player must play far better than average to start earning relevant money. But right, if they succeed, they earn a lot.
  • Top soccer players only earn so much because 'we' all want exactly that by watching soccer in TV and visiting soccer matches all the way. If nobody would like to watch soccer, Messi wouldn't earn more money than you and me. :-)

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