GG Everyone, I was Live Streaming S18 Round 2!

in The Chess Community2 months ago (edited)

Hi Chess Fam,

it's that time of the week again, where we will go against each other head to head in order to secure the highest placement, I wish you luck but be weary I am coming for you *hehehe evil laugh

🔴 I'll be LIVE 1h before the Tournament!
So come and join me, let's have some fun!
And of course, if you lose against me on stream that will be remembered FOREVER!

*hehehe more evil laughs

How to join the stream?
For those of you new to YouTube.....
You will need to grab a shovel dig a hole and bury yourself for the sake of humanity 😅

Link to YouTube

But...but...masterswatch...I want to be cool like you and join the tournament, how can I join?
If you want to be cool like everyone in The Chess Community dig another hole press the link below, or ask me on stream!

Hi PRESS ME, I want to feel special as well! You will find all the INFO here!!!

s18 round2 thumbnail live.jpeg

Thanks for showing up! Once gain huge thanks to @stayoutoftherz and congrats to the top 3! I will once again be streaming next week for Round 3!