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RE: @vjap55 wins the Hivechess Candidates Tournament!

in The Chess Community2 years ago

Congratulations to our new champion @vjap55! Feels good to know it's a different name.

Of note: If @samostically would not have had the forfeit loss against @b0s, he would have been the champion with same points as @vjap55 but a win in the direct match!

Hehehehe, that's the beauty of the event. "You snooze, you lose". I'd probably not win anyway. Mathematics don't work for me :)

Congratulations to the winners and Well done with the organisation @stayoutoftherz.

Good games to everyone that played. See you soon.

PS: I'd try my best to win the next season😁


Congrats bro. Go get them next time.


 2 years ago  

Thanks bro 😎 I'll try to win with an extra piece next time 😂