I have made a zine (I called it a “mini-comic” at the time) before, and I want to do it again.Now I intend to make it into a small collection of drawings done with a single black ballpoint pen. I named the zine “ekakizine,” which means “painter.
Of course, the text will be in black and white. The cover is also monochrome and simple.
The pictures are mostly abstract. I tried to make a figurative or realistic picture, but I felt like I was looking at someone else's picture somewhere, so I decided to make an abstract picture.
I have only done the cover and a few paintings as manuscripts, though.
I will try to limit myself to about 10 paintings to be included in one zine. However, I feel that having two pictures in a row on a single spread is a bit heavy. So I am thinking of adding some words, but the title alone is too short, and words are hard to come up with.
I don't know when it will be ready, but when it is, I will sell about 10 copies. I want to take it easy and not think too much about whether it will sell or not.