Hunters, Dreams, and Determination | My Favorite Anime

in The Anime Realm8 months ago


When I heard about the new community initiative, I knew right away that I had to participate. However, a small drawback arose: I had already written about practically all my favorite anime. It was then that the arduous task of finding the right approach to tackle the initiative without falling into repetition of content began. Despite considering the option of creating a top, I knew that would not satisfy me completely, and besides, I had doubts about whether it would count as a valid participation. So I set out to find an alternative and that's when I remembered which anime I had watched the most times. That's how the enlightenment finally came.

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Hunter X Hunter is a shonen anime of adventure, fantasy and action, which tells the magnificent story of Gon Freecss, a skillful and persistent young man who seeks to become a hunter, in order to find his father. Throughout his journey, Gon faces great dangers and difficulties that complicate his mission. However, he finds the valuable friendship of three extraordinary characters: Killua, Kurapica and Leorio, with whom he will face any adversity as they pursue their dreams of becoming hunters.

The "hunters" are individuals with exceptional skills specialized in various areas, such as hunting criminals, archeology, treasure hunting, capturing magical beasts and even preparing dishes with exotic ingredients. All of them have passed complicated tests to obtain a hunter's license, granted by the "Hunter's Association". These licenses come with many rights and benefits, but also with obligations that all hunters must fulfill.


The four main characters seek to obtain a hunter's license for different reasons. Gon does so in hopes of reuniting with his father, Killua seeks to experience life away from his family of elite assassins, Kurapika aims to investigate and destroy the group that massacred his tribe. While Leorio aspires to become a hunter in order to obtain the resources necessary to become a doctor and provide free medical care to those who need it most. These dreams will immerse them in a world full of dangers, which will make them develop new skills, meet new allies and face powerful enemies.


The first time I saw something related to the world of Hunter x Hunter was in the early 2000s, when the first adaptation of the manga created by Yoshihiro Togashi was released. I remember with much nostalgia those days when the series was broadcast on the mythical Animax channel. Since then, Hunter x Hunter became one of my favorite series. As time went by, the series expanded and some OVAs came out to complement what already existed. However, it was the 2011 adaptation that indisputably positioned itself at the top of my favorite anime. Hunter x Hunter stands out not only for its action and narrative, but also for the depth of its characters and the captivating world created by Yoshihiro Togashi.


However, the point that for me makes it a spectacular series is its characters. I don't usually sympathize with the main characters, I find many of them annoying and feel that they have more negative points than positive ones, i.e. I dislike them and prefer any other character in the series over them. That said, Gon is my favorite protagonist of all the anime, he strikes me as such an innocent and endearing character that I found it impossible to dislike him. His dream of finding his father is so simple, yet so important, that it makes anyone take his side and want him to succeed, plus the evolution of his character is one of the best I've seen, he not only matures as a person, he also matures as a hunter.

The remaining three main characters are equally wonderful, as well as being splendidly developed. The transition of Killua from assassin to hunter is amazing; not only do his powers grow, but he also matures and gradually frees himself from the shadow of the Zoldyck family. On the other hand, there is Kurapika, who starts out with a thirst for vengeance that blinds him, but eventually manages to control himself and focus on discovering the truth about what happened to his tribe. And finally, Leorio, perhaps the most underestimated of the four, but also the one with the noblest dream of all. He goes from being a disaster to becoming one of the most respected members of the "Hunter's Association."


But not everything in Hunter x Hunter is about dreams and incredible characters; there are also epic fights, shocking moments and spectacular powers. Above all this, one of the best arcs in the history of anime stands out: the famous Chimaera Ants arc. This, without a doubt, is the highest point of the series and presents us with a parade of impressive characters, one after another, in situations capable of making anyone's blood run cold. With massacres and action, it is a simply unforgettable arc that has found its place in the hearts of all fans of the series and anime in general. It is without a doubt one of my favorites.


For all these reasons, Hunter x Hunter is one of my favorite anime series and one of the most beloved. And while we still don't have a concrete ending to Gon's story and perhaps there are other stories better told, there's no denying that Hunter x Hunter has already made its mark in history as one of the most beloved and highest rated anime of its time.

I'd like to invite @eliudgnzlz and @mamaemigrante to participate.

Cazadores, Sueños y Determinación | Mi Anime Favorito


Cuando me enteré de la nueva iniciativa de la comunidad, supe de inmediato que debía participar. Sin embargo, surgió un pequeño inconveniente: ya había escrito sobre prácticamente todos mis animes favoritos. Fue entonces cuando comenzó la tarea ardua de encontrar el enfoque adecuado para abordar la iniciativa sin caer en la repetición de contenido. A pesar de considerar la opción de crear un top, sabía que eso no me satisfaría por completo, y además, tenía dudas sobre si contaría como una participación válida. Así que me propuse buscar una alternativa y fue entonces cuando recordé cuál era el anime que más veces había visto. Fue así como finalmente llegó la iluminación.


Hunter X Hunter* es un anime shonen de aventura, fantasía y acción, que narra la magnífica historia de Gon Freecss, un hábil y persistente joven que busca convertirse en cazador, con la finalidad de encontrar a su padre. A lo largo de su travesía, Gon se enfrenta a grandes peligros y dificultades que complican su misión. No obstante, encuentra la valiosa amistad de tres personajes extraordinarios: Killua, Kurapica y Leorio, con quienes afrontará cualquier adversidad mientras persiguen sus sueños de convertirse en cazadores.

Los "cazadores" son individuos con habilidades excepcionales especializados en diversas áreas, como la caza de criminales, la arqueología, la búsqueda de tesoros, la captura de bestias mágicas e incluso la preparación de platillos con ingredientes exóticos. Todos ellos han superado complicadas pruebas para obtener la licencia de cazador, otorgada por la "Asociación de Cazadores". Dichas licencias, vienen con muchos derechos y beneficios, pero también con obligaciones que todos los cazadores deberán cumplir.


Los cuatro personajes principales buscan obtener la licencia de cazador por motivos diversos. Gon lo hace con la esperanza de reunirse con su padre, Killua busca experimentar la vida lejos de su familia de asesinos de élite, Kurapika tiene como objetivo investigar y destruir al grupo que masacró a su tribu. Mientras que Leorio aspira a ser cazador para obtener los recursos necesarios para convertirse en médico y brindar atención médica gratuita a quienes más lo necesitan. Estos sueños los sumergirán en un mundo lleno de peligros, que los harán desarrollar nuevas habilidades, conocer nuevos aliados y enfrentarse a poderosos enemigos.


La primera vez que vi algo relacionado con el mundo de Hunter x Hunter fue a principios de los 2000, cuando se lanzó la primera adaptación del manga creado por Yoshihiro Togashi. Recuerdo con mucha nostalgia esos días en los que la serie se transmitía en el mítico canal Animax. Desde aquel entonces, Hunter x Hunter se convirtió de mis series favoritas. Con el paso del tiempo, la serie se expandió y salieron algunas OVAs que complementarían lo que ya existía. Sin embargo, fue la adaptación del 2011 la que se posicionó indiscutiblemente en la cima de mis animes preferidos. Hunter x Hunter destaca no solo por su acción y narrativa, sino también por la profundidad de sus personajes y el mundo cautivador creado por Yoshihiro Togashi.


Sin embargo, el punto que para mí la convierte en una serie espectacular son sus personajes. Yo normalmente no suelo simpatizar con los protagonistas, muchos me parecen un fastidio y siento que tienen más puntos negativos que positivos, es decir, me caen mal y prefiero a cualquier otro personaje de la serie antes que a ellos. Dicho esto, Gon es mi protagonista preferido de todo los anime, me parece un personaje tan inocente y entrañable que me fue imposible detestarlo. Su sueño de encontrar a su padre es tan sencillo, pero a la vez tan importante, que hace que cualquiera se ponga de su lado y quiera que lo consiga, además de que la evolución de su personaje es una de las mejores que he visto, no solo madura como persona, también lo hace como cazador.

Los tres personajes principales restantes son igualmente maravillosos, además de estar desarrollados de manera espléndida. La transición de Killua de asesino a cazador es asombrosa; no solo crecen sus poderes, sino que también madura y se libera gradualmente de la sombra de la familia Zoldyck. Por otro lado, está Kurapika, quien comienza con una sed de venganza que lo ciega, pero finalmente logra controlarse y centrarse en descubrir la verdad sobre lo que le sucedió a su tribu. Y por último, Leorio, quizás el más subestimado de los cuatro, pero también el que tiene el sueño más noble de todos. Pasa de ser un desastre a convertirse en uno de los miembros más respetados de la "Asociación de Cazadores".


Pero no todo en Hunter x Hunter se trata de sueños y personajes increíbles; también hay peleas épicas, momentos impactantes y poderes espectaculares. Sobre todo esto, destaca uno de los mejores arcos en la historia del anime: el famoso arco de las Hormigas Quimera. Este, sin duda, es el punto más alto de la serie y nos presenta un desfile de personajes impresionantes, uno tras otro, en situaciones capaces de helarle la sangre a cualquiera. Con masacres y acción, es un arco simplemente inolvidable que ha encontrado su lugar en el corazón de todos los fanáticos de la serie y del anime en general.


Por todo esto, Hunter x Hunter es una de mis series de anime preferidas y una de las más queridas. Y si bien aún no contamos con un final concreto para la historia de Gon y quizás haya otras historias mejor contadas, no se puede negar que Hunter x Hunter ya ha dejado su marca en la historia como uno de los animes más queridos y mejor valorados de su época.

Me gustaría invitar a @eliudgnzlz y a @mamaemigrante a participar.

Thank you very much for reading me, see you in comments.

Muchas gracias por leerme, nos vemos en comentarios.

GIFs and screenshots taken from this video: YouTube - Cover images from
Cover and banner made in Canva - Cartoons made in bitmoji

GIFs y capturas de pantallas tomadas de este video: YouTube - Imágenes de portada de
Portada y banner hechos en Canva - Cartoons hechos en bitmoji


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Hunter X Hunter, one of the great anime of all time that I have yet to see. I've heard wonders of this story, I know Gon despite my ignorance of anime and that's surely because he has many fans in the world.

Thank you for your participation in the contest, you did a very good job expressing the reasons why you like this anime. See you soon!

Gon is an amazing character, I've always loved him; he gives me so much tenderness, yet he's tough at the same time.

You need to watch it; it's an incredible series, and that's not just because I love it, hahaha, it's totally real. It's on Netflix if you're interested in joining the clan 😁

This was one of my favorites! It's not my top 1 anymore but back then, it was!
The 4 main characters are just so lovable and they all have a purpose in doing the things they're doing. It's so fun to watch them. I recently rewatched this anime and it's still nice - I still like it! The Hunter Exam arc was my favorite of all.

The characters are the best, years go by and they are one of my favorite protagonists ❤️

Among the shonen animes and mangas, this one is certainly within my top 5 best. Stories, character development and even morality views are of excellent quality.

Fun Fact : If you notice some details in the background, there can be some Sailormoon stuff cameos every now and then, just a little fun stuff added since author of Sailormoon and author of Hunter x Hunter is married to each other.

Agreed with you, it's a great series.

I've always loved the detail that both authors are married, a true power couple in anime. ❤️

Thank you very much for stopping by and commenting ✌️

The narrator's voice is undoubtedly one of the best things about the whole series.

Hahaha, It certainly adds a great touch to the atmosphere.

Thanks for stopping by and commenting ✌️

ahh i see a woman of culture :p

Hahahaha, I see you are a man of culture as well 😌